Saturday 2 February 2013

February Birthdays.

Birthday wishes go to:
Joel Ball, Ellie Broughton, Grace Broughton, Greg Brown, Steffi Clarke, Amy Cullingworth, Taylor Deakin, Dexter Fairbank, Harry Girling, Finlay Hayes, Natalie Hill-Yeomans, Nicole Horsley, Ben Jackson, Sammy Knowles, Amelia Luk, Ripley Manchester, Dana Meads, Lucy Middleton, Kian Miloro-Deakin, Ashleigh Nightingale, Adam Orme, Phoebe Pocock, Holly Skinner, Reeve tombs, Rachel Vernon, Josh Wakelin,  Grace, Finn and Zara Whittamore, Abigail Worthington (18) and the over 18’s Hannah Clarke, Sarah Giddings, Katie Hemstock, Malcolm Swinburne and Alison Horner.


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